School of Genome Engineering
Genetic Improvement of Plant, Animal and Fish using Genome Editing, Intragenic and Transgenic Approaches.
Thrust Areas:
- Development of Highly Efficient Transformation methods for Recalcitrant Species
- Identification, Characterization and Deployment of Novel Genes and Promoters for Developing Plant, Animal and Fish with:
- Enhanced Stress/Disease Resistance
- Improved Nutritional Quality
- Higher Resource-Use-Efficiency
- Development of Transgene-free mutants of important Plant, Animal, and Fish using CRISPR/CAS9 technology.
Institute Projects:
Ongoing Research Projects |
Principal Investigator |
Co-Principal Investigator(s) |
Genomics and Bioinformatics |
Identification and characterization of drought-responsive genes of wild chickpea (Cicer microphyllum) |
Dr. V.P. Bhadana |
Identification of genes/QTLs for heat tolerance in lentil |
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Understanding the mechanisms of aluminum (Al) toxicity tolerance in horse gram, chickpea and finger millet. |
Dr. S.K. Bishi Dr. Avinash Pandey Dr. Sudhir Kumar Dr. Madan Kumar |
Molecular characterization of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes of indigenous pig (Sus scrofa) |
Dr. S. Naskar |
Dr. Sanjay K Gupta Dr. V.P. Bhadana Dr. Santanu Banik (ICAR-NRC on Pig, Guwahati) Dr. Pranab J Das (ICAR-NRC on Pig, Guwahati) |
Externally Funded Projects
Project Title |
Funding Agency |
Principal Investigator |
Co-Principal Investigator(s) |
Exploring cell surface biomarkers of cattle spermatozoa for sex-specific segregation through proteomic and genomic approach |
Dr. Soumen Naskar |
Quantitative Proteomics and Phosphoproteomics to understand drought stress perception and response in lentil (Lens culinaris)”. |
DBT, GoI |
Dr. Ragini Sinha |
Enhancing food, nutritional and livelihood security of marginal and small farmers in Jharkhand through need based agricultural technologies |
Dr. Bikash Das (ICAR-RCER FSRCHPR, Plandu, Ranchi) |
Dr. Soumen Naskar, Dr. Sanjay K Gupta (Cooperating Centre) |
Project Title |
Funding Agency |
Principal Investigator |
Co-Principal Investigator (s) |
Identification and characterization of multiple stress responsive WRKY transcription factors in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) |
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Screening of various lentil (Lens culinaris L.) genotypes for drought tolerance using physiological and molecular approaches. |
Dr. Ragini Sinha |
Characterization of molecular marker(s) associated with X- and/or Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa in cattle |
Dr. Laxmi Vandana Rongala |
Dr. Soumen Naskar (Mentor) |
Quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics to understand drought stress perception and response in contrasting genotypes of horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) |
DST, GoI |
Dr. Ragini Sinha |
Inter-institutional Project
Project Title | Funding Agency | Principal Investigator | Co-Principal Investigator (s) |
Understanding the molecular regulatory mechanism of interaction of Finger millet with blast pathogen Pyricularia grisea. | ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi and ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur | Dr. S.K. Jain (ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur) Dr. Avinash Pandey, Dr. Sudhir Kumar (ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi) |
Molecular Biology Laboratories:
Equipped with PCR machines, Real-time PCR, 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-D GE), FT-IR spectrometer, Refrigerated centrifuge, Refrigerated circulating waterbath, Gel documentation system, Mili Q water purification system, Ultradeep freezer (-80 degree C), Deep freezer (-20 degree C), Incubator shaker, ELISA reader, Micro-volume spectrophotometer, Spectrophotometer, Gel electrophoresis, Laminar air-flow chamber, Autoclave, Leaf area meter, Stereozoom microscope, Compound microscope etc.
Plant Tissue Culture facility:
Equipped with fully automatic controlled culture room, Laminar air flow, Hot air oven, Autovlave, Plant growth chamber, Microbalance, pH meter etc.

Dr. Soumen Naskar
Designation : Principal Scientist (Agril. Biotechnology)
Major Research Area :
Population genetics, Immunogenetics
Some of the areas whe...
Research Area : Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) in Farm Animals
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Dr. Shambhu Krishan Lal
Designation : Scientist (Agricultural Biotechnology)
Major Research Area :
Genetic Engineering for Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants
...Research Area :
Plant-Pathogen Interaction
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Dr. Amit Kumar
Designation : Scientist (Animal Reproduction & Gynaecology)
Major Research Area :
Semen Biology, Endocrinology, and Assisted Reproductive Technologie...
Research Area :
Semen Biology
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Dr. Sakshi Kaith
Designation : Scientist (Animal Biotechnology)
Major Research Area :
Mass Spectrometry based Proteomics, MS Data analysis, Bioinformatic...
Research Area : Biotechnology
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