Personal Information

Dr. Omkar Maharudra Limbalkar graduated in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture, Pune, Maharashtra (Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharashtra) in the year 2016. He completed his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in the discipline of Genetics and Plant Breeding from the Division of Genetics, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR-IARI), New Delhi in the year 2018 and 2023, respectively. He joined Agricultural Research Services (ARS) in the year 2023 at ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi.
Awards/Fellowships and Honours
- Joint CSIR-UGC Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in the subject of Life Sciences (2019)
- National Fellowship for OBC (NFOBC, 2019)
- NAHEP-CAAST Fellowship for Ph. D. Research (2019)
- IARI Fellowship for PhD (2018)
- Junior Research Fellowship (ICAR-JRF) during M.Sc. (2016)
- SHE-INSPIRE during B.Sc. (2012)
Member of Research Societies
- Life member of the Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding (ISGPB), New Delhi, India
- Life member of the Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Research Papers
- Limbalkar OM, Vasisth P, Singh G, Jain P, Sharma M, Singh R, Dhanasekaran G, Kumar M, Meena ML, Iquebal MA, Jaiswal S, Rao M, Watts A, Bhattacharya R, Singh KH, Kumar D, Singh N (2023). Dissection of QTLs conferring drought tolerance in B. carinata derived B. juncea introgression lines. BMC Plant Biology, 23(1), 664.
- Vasisth P, Singh N, Limbalkar OM, Sharma M, Dhanasekaran G, Meena ML, Jain P, Jaiswal S, Iquebal MA, Watts A, Gaikwad KB, Singh R (2023). Introgression of Heterotic Genomic Segments from Brassica carinata into Brassica juncea for Enhancing Productivity. Plants, 12, 1677.
- Limbalkar OM, Singh R, Kumar P, Nanjundan J, Parihar CM, Vasisth P, Yadava DK, Chinnusamy V, Singh N (2021). Deployment of Brassica carinata A. Braun derived Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. lines for improving heterosis and water use efficiency under water deficit stress conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12.
- Limbalkar OM, Sharma JB, Jha SK, Mallick N, Niranjana M, Vinod (2019). Mapping of genes for leaf and stem rust resistance in bread wheat genotype Selection 212. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 79(1), 1–8.
Books/Reports/Chapters/General articles etc. :
- Vasisth P, Limbalkar OM, Sharma M (2023). Genetics of Multiple Alleles: Concept and Function.
- Shingote PR, Gotarkar DN, Kale RR, Limbalkar OM, Wasule DL (2022). Recent Advances and Applicability of GBS, GWAS, and GS in Soybean. Genotyping by Sequencing for Crop Improvement, 218–249. ch10.
- DR Palsaniya, Maneet Rana, Amit Kumar Singh, Mukesh Choudhary, Omkar M Limbalkar, Avijit Ghosh, Maharishi Tomar, Tejveer Singh, R Srinivasan, BB Choudhary, JB Singh and SK Mahanta (Eds). Innovations in Forage and Livestock Sector for Enhancing Entrepreneurship and Farm Productivity: Souvenir cum abstracts of National Symposium, November 1-3, 2022, Jhansi, India, Range Management Society of India, Jhansi, UP, India pp 270.
- Limbalkar OM, Yadav S, Palaparthi D, Meena VK (2019) Chapter- 11 Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) and its Applications in Plant Breeding. Advances in Genetics and Plant Breeding, 171-185.
- Meena VK, Yadav S, Limbalkar OM, Palaparthi D (2019) Chapter- 1 Genetic and Molecular Aspects of Biosynthesis of Tocopherol, Research Trends in Multidisciplinary Research, 01–19.
- Limbalkar OM, Dhumale DR, Shingote PR (2018). Current understanding of genome editing and its application in plant breeding. In: Proceedings of National Conference on Current Trends in Plant Science and Molecular Biology for Food Security and Climate Resilient Agriculture. 15-16, February 2018, 153–160. ISBN-978-93-5321-456-2.
Popular Articles :
- ओमकार महारुद्र लिंबालकर, अमोल कैलास जाधव एवं नेहा महेंद्र आरोलकर (2023). उच्च कृषि उपज के लिए जिवाणु उर्वरक आवश्यक. कृषि लोक,खंड 03 (01), 43–46.
- Limbalkar OM (2017) India: From Bt-cotton to GM-mustard. https://www.