The Laboratory Building of ICAR-IIAB is established at Garhkhatanga, Ranchi.
Lab for B.Tech. Students
Lab for M.Sc. Students
Several essential and specialized equipment’s for molecular biology laboratories viz., Real-time PCR, thermal cyclers, gel-documentation, 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), HPLC, digital stereo zoom microscope, FTIR, shaker incubator, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Micro-volume spectrophotometer, refrigerated centrifuge, tabletop centrifuge, ultra-deep freezers, autoclave, pH meter, top pan balance, refrigerators, electronic balance, microwave oven and deep freezers have already been procured. In addition, bioinformatics facilities with work stations and rack servers have also been developed. The procurement of other specialized equipment required for developing advance molecular biology and genomics facilities is under progress. To ensure uninterrupted power supply in the laboratories a 40 KVA automatic power generator has been procured and most of the sophisticated equipment’s are connected with dedicated UPS.

Real-time PCR and thermal cyclers

Ultra deep freezer

Deep freezer

Refrigerated centrifuge

Laminar air flow cabinet

Gel Doc

2D-Electrophoresis System

Incubator Shaker

Water Purification System