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Dr. Amit Kumar Dr. Amit Kumar Designation : Scientist (Animal Reproduction & Gynaecology) , +91-9518431940 view resume

Dr. Amit Kumar is a scientist specialized in the field of Animal Reproduction and Gynaecology. His professional academic journey began at Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (LUVAS), hisar where he successfully completed his B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree in 2018. Continuing his educational pursuits, he further honed his expertise by specializing in Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics at LUVAS, culminating in 2020. Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, he embarked on a Ph.D. journey at ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izzatnagar. However, his dedication to the advancement of knowledge led him to take a temporary interruption to serve as an assistant professor at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. Dr. Kumar’s remarkable academic accomplishments have been acknowledged through prestigious awards, including the Dr. D.P. Banerjee Gold Medal, Professor P.K. Dwarkanath Memorial Gold Medal, and LUVAS Merit Gold Medal. His commitment to excellence was further exemplified by his receipt of the ICAR-JRF/SRF Fellowship and his successful qualification of the NET conducted by ASRB (ICAR) in 2021.

Semen Biology, Endocrinology, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) in Farm Animals

Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journals :

  1. Amit Kumar, Gyan Singh, Jerome Andonissamy, Pradeep Kumar, Arjun V, Renu Bala, Nisha Verma, R.K. Sharma. (2021). IGF-1 supplementation in semen affects mitochondrial functional and calcium status of buffalo sperm following cryopreservation, Animal Reproduction Science, 106783, ISSN 0378-4320, (NAAS rating: 8.25)
  2. Arjun V, Pradeep Kumar, Ravi Dutt, Amit Kumar, Jerome Andonissamy, Renu Bala, Nisha Verma, Meenakshi Virmani, Chandra Shekhar Patil, Sajjan Singh, Dharmendra Kumar. (2021). Is addition or removal of seminal plasma able to compensate for the dilution effect of buffalo semen? Andrologia. May 30:e14123. . (NAAS rating: 8.532)
  3. Arjun, Venkateshappa, Pradeep Kumar, Ravi Dutt, Amit Kumar, Renu Bala, Nisha Verma, Andonissamy Jerome et al. "Effect of mitochondria‐targeted antioxidant on the regulation of the mitochondrial function of sperm during cryopreservation." Andrologia (2022): e14431. (NAAS rating: 8.532)
  4. Jerome A, RK Sharma, MH Jan, VB Dixit, Amit Kumar. 2021. Prevalence of knowledge for hygienic artificial insemination practices in buffalo under field conditions. Indian Journal of Extension Education. (57(1). pp81-84 (NAAS rating: 5.95)
  5. Arjun, V., Kumar, P., Dutt, R., Kumar, D., Kumar, A., Bala, R., … Yadav, P.S. (2022). Is Mitochondrial Uncoupler Dinitrophenol Effective in Counterbalancing the Dilution Effect in Buffalo Semen? The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 43(1), 22–29.
  6. Gyan Singh, Hariom, Ravi Dutt, Amit Kumar and Arjun V. 2022. Dystocia due to dicephalic dipus dibrachius monster in a Murrah buffalo. Buffalo bulletin. 41(2). pp173-177. (NAAS rating: 6.17)
  7. Amit Kumar, Gyan Singh and Arjun V. 2021. Rare case of oversized fetus with catlin mark in a crossbred holstein friesian cow. Ruminant Science.10 (2): 451-452. (NAAS rating: 5.43)

Chapters in books/training manual :

  1. Jerome Andonissamy, Amit Kumar, Arjun V, Pradeep Kumar, S.K. Phulia & R.K Sharma. Bhains main parjanan sambhandhit vikaro ke liye chikitshiya abhivyakti. (2020). In: Training Manual on “Scientific Buffalo Husbandry” published by ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes. pp-23-25
  2. Amit Kumar. (2022). Handling and transport of frozen semen for optimal fertility under field conditions. In training compendium of ILRI sponsored International training on Augmentation of Fertility in Buffaloes.
  3. Amit Kumar, JS Mahal and Mrigank honparkhe. (2023). Flow cytometric evaluation of semen- An update. In training compendium of CAFT in Gyn. & Reproduction on Advanced Insights on Theriogenology to Ameliorate Reproductive Health of Domestic Animals.
  4. JS Mahal, Amit Kumar and Mrigank honparkhe. (2023). Management of cystic ovarian degeneration in bovines. In training compendium of CAFT in Gyn. & Reproduction on Advanced Insights on Theriogenology to Ameliorate Reproductive Health of Domestic Animals.

Popular articles:

  1. Amit Kumar, Gyan Singh & Sandeep Kumar. पशुओं तथा मनुष्यं में ब्रूसेलयससस के कारण, लक्षण, सनदान एवं उपचार. Pashudhan Gyan. (Jan, 2019): pp 1-2
  2. Gyan Singh & Amit Kumar. गर्ाावस्था के दौरान र्ैंसय में ध्यान देने ययग्य कुछ महत्वपूणा सिन्दू. Pashudhan Gyan. (Jan, 2019): pp 26-27
  3. असमत कुमार एवं ज्ञान ससंह. कृसिम गर्ााधान से पशुओं के नस्ल में हय रहा सुधार, जानें, गासर्न ठहराने की सही सवसध (2021). Krishi Jagran.
  4. Amit Kumar & Gyan Singh. Feeding of Dam During Postpartum Period to Augment Fertility in Bovines: A Scientific Approach. Engormix, published on 01-04-2021.
  5. Amit Kumar. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)/ Red-Nose. Pashudhan Praharee. Oct 19, 2020
  6. उपेंद्र, असमत कुमार, उमेद ससंह मेहरा. ढेलेदार त्वचा रयग (एलएसडी): मवेसशययं के सलए एक उर्रता हुआ खतरा. Pashudhan Praharee. published on 14-11-2021.
  7. Amit Kumar, Gyan Singh & Sandeep Kumar. 2022 Kritrim garbhdhan - sahayak prajanan prodyogiki. Pashudhan Gyan. 8(1): pp 31-35.
  8. Amit Kumar and A K Singh. 2022. An in-depth analysis of Indian piggery industry. (2022). Vet Alumnus. 44 (1): 25-29.
  9. Upeneder, Amit Kumar and Sudesh Kumar. Vitamin and mineral disparities in poultry birds. (2022). Vet Alumnus. 43 (No. 1 & 2): 25-29.
  10. Amit Kumar and A K Singh. 2022. An in-depth analysis of Indian piggery industry. (2022). Vet Alumnus. 44 (1): 25-29.
  11. Amit Kumar and Mrigank Honparkhe. Reproductive management of goats: An overview. (June, 2023). Vet Alumnus. 45 (1): 21-25