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![Dr. Madan Kumar](
Dr Madan Kumar completed his B.Sc. (Agri.) in 2006 from Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh and Master’s (2008) and PhD (2014) in Plant Physiology from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Dr Kumar started his carrier in the Agricultural Research Service of the ICAR as Scientist in 2011 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Seed Science, Mau,UP and at present he is working at ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi since 2017.
M.Sc. (Plant Physiology), Indian Agricultural Research Institute (July, 2008)
Ph.D. (Plant Physiology), Indian Agricultural Research Institute (January, 2014)
Molecular Plant Physiology
In agriculture, nutrients are essential for growth and yield of crop plants. These nutrients play major roles in physiological and metabolic activities of plants. Unavailability of one or more of these elements prevents plants from completing their life cycle. Zn is an important micronutrient and the only metal ion acting as a co-factor for all six classes of enzymes in plants and other organisms. Zinc (Zn) deficiency causes large scale yield losses in major crops such as rice, wheat and maize. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) about 50% of the world’s agricultural soil is low in Zn content. Zn-use efficiency (ZUE) has been defined as the efficient acquisition of Zn and utilization or (re)-translocation within a plant in Zn deficient condition. Certain genotypes are able to grow and yield well under Zn deficiency, which has been termed Zn efficiency. Very few Zn efficient rice genotypes are available in public domain. Hence, understanding Zn-use efficiency mechanism of plant in details at physiological, biochemical and molecular level is prime importance to mitigate the problem of nutritional security and hidden hunger. Development of Zn efficient crops using breeding method and/or biotechnological tools have great potential to benefit the world’s poor, in terms of both health and wealth.
Kumar, M., Singh, V. P., Arora, A., Raju, D., & Sakhare, A. (2015). Physiological alteration in gladiolus flower during senescence as affected by abscisic acid. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(3), 397-401.
Kumar, M., Singh, V. P., Arora, A., & Singh, N. (2014). The role of abscisic acid (ABA) in ethylene insensitive Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflora Hort.) flower senescence. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 36(1), 151–159.
Pathak, A., Raju, D., Rajendran, A., Kumar, M.,Sarangapani, N.,&Siddegowda, R. P. (2014). Transferability of Rice SSR Marker in Wheat(Triticum aestivum).Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy. 8 (2): 204-212
Kumar, A., Imran, M., Kumar, S. P. J., Kumar, M., Singh, A. N., & Srivastava, A. K. (2018). Assessment of Soil Urease Activity and Its Kinetic Parameters inChilli Rhizosphere under the Influence of Pesticides.Biopestic. Int.14(1):47-57
Kumar, S. P. J., Prasad, R. S., Kumar, M.,Singh, C., Sinha, A. K., and Pathak, A. (2016). Seed Quality Marker: A Review, Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences.e-ISSN:2320-0189, p-ISSN:2347-2308, pp-13-17.
Singh, C., Kumar, S. P. J., Kv, S., Kv, R., Kumar, M.,& Prasad, S. R. (2017). Characterization and Identification of Rice Germplasm Accessions Using Chemical Tests.Seed Research, Vol. 45(1): 75-83, 2017