Personal Information

Education and Post-doctoral fellowships
Educated at Bhilai Steel Plant School, Bhilai Nagar, Chhatisgad 1982-1983 (Biology); Govt. Science College Durg Chhatisgad 1983-1988; Ravishankar University Raipur 1989-1992; B.Sc.(Biology) 1986; M.Sc. (Organic chemistry) 1988 (Natural product/Medicinal-Drug chemistry, Synthetic organic chemistry / Reaction mechanism); Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1992 (Hydrolysis Mechanism and Protonation behaviour of Hydroxamic acids – Synthesis, catalytic hydrolysis & degradation mechanism of agriculturally & pharmacologically important chemicals). Post-doctoral research/fellowships at CSIRO Canberra, 2013 (Recombinant DNA Technology); University of California, 2010 (Nanobiotechnology/Bioremediation); USA(Stevens Institute of Technology/ University of Minnesota / Georgia Institute of Technology)-2004-2005 (Environmental biotechnology); SEAFDEC-Philippines 2003 (Responsible Aquaculture Development).
Academic Experience:
Joint Director (Academics) from 2023-Current); Assistant Professor (Honorary), Govt. Science College Durg, Chhatisgad, 1988-1992; Scientist (Probationer), NAARM Hyderabad and CTRI, Rajhamundry, 1993-1994; Scientist, 1994-1998; Scientist (SS), 1998-2002; Senior Scientist, 2002-2008; Principal Scientist, 2009 onwards, ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture Chennai; Principal Scientist, ICAR-Directorate of Weed Science Research, Jabalpur (MP), 2011; Head, School of Edaphic Stress Management, ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Malegaon, Baramati-Pune, 2012-18 including I/c-Head-School of Atmospheric Stress
Management 2017-18, Head (A), Division of Aquaculture-2020-21, Head(A)-Aquatic Environment and Health Management Division-2023, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CIFE-Mumbai-2018-2023. Dr Krishnani has imparted research-driven teachings to UG, PG and PhD students and also delivered 110-Invited / Resource / Keynote talks. He has guided as a major advisor to 8-PG and 3-PhD students and as a Member/co-guide-Advisory committees provided guidance to 30 PG/PhD students, besides provided guidance to 34-B.Tech/M.Sc./M.Tech. students for short- term project work in the field of environmental biotechnology.
Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for outstanding Research in Agricultural Sciences-2019, NAAS- Recognition Award-2018-2019, Best Poster Award-2017-National Seminar on Climate Resilient saline agriculture; Australia Awards Trusted Mentor 2014; Australian Govt (DWEER) sponsored Endeavour Award/Fellowship on recombinant DNA technology/enzymatic bioremediation 2012; CIBA’s Silver Jubilee Celebration- Best Paper Presentation Award -2012; Journal-Best Article Award – 2012; ICAR-NAIP-HRD-overseas Fellowship on nanobioremediation and biosensor 2010; BRSI-Best Poster Award- International Conference-2007; 7th Indian Fisheries Forum-Young
Scientist Award 2005; TCTP-Japanese International Cooperation Agency sponsored training on Responsible Aquaculture Development 2003; Department of Biotechnology’s long term Overseas Associateship on bioremediation using molecular techniques 2004; Recognized from Madras University to guide students for Ph.D. (2000-2013); CSIR-SRF-1992; CSIR-UGC JRF/ARS Lectureship (NET) 1991-1992. Fellow-National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Member of Governing Body-the Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI), Fellow of the Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI-CSIR-NIIST), Member of the National Academy of Sciences, India, 2017; Nominated Member of IMC-NIASM, 2014-17; Nominated Member of IMC-CIFRI, 2020-2023; Life Member-Biotech Research Society of India; Executive member – Coastal Aquaculture Society of India 2006-14; Life member – Society of Pesticide Science India; Member – Society of Aquaculture Professionals, 2007-2008.
Course Id & Course Title | Credit | Year |
Ph.D.-Biochemistry (Biochem-605); Concepts and application of Omics in biological sciences B.Tech. (Biotechnology): Recombinant DNA Technology ENV-101: Environmental studies and disaster management B.Tech. (Biotechnology): Bot102: Biodiversity and its conservation EDMB201: Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management M.Sc. (Agricultural Chemicals) AC-504-Natural Product Chemistry AC-502-Chemical laboratory techniques AC-503-Basic Chemistry AC-509-Chromatography and Spectroscopic Techniques BA 501: Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology BIOCHEM-603: Biochemistry of Biotic and Abiotic stresses |
3+0 3+0 2+1 2+0 1+1 1+2 3+1 2+1 1+2 2+1 3+0 |
2023-24 |
MFSc AEM-511: Environmental Biotechnology PhD AEM-604 : Management and utilization of waste and waste-water MFSc AEM-502: Chemical Interactions in Aquatic Environment MFSc AEM-503: Analytical Techniques in Environmental Science MFSc AEM-505: Aquatic Pollution and Management MFSc-AEM: IPR-541: Intellectual property right MFSc AEM-504: Climate Change: Impact and Management PhD-AEM: Dispersal and Fate of Pollutants AEM-602 |
1+1 2+1 1+1 1+2 2+1 1+0 1+0 1+1 |
2023 |
PhD AQC-603 : Aquaculture ecosystem management and climate change MFSc AQC507 : Therapeutics and health management in aquaculture MFSc AQC-504: Aquaculture policy and planning MFSc AQC-506: Soil and water quality management in aquaculture PhD AQC-608 : Aquaculture Medicine |
2+1 2+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 |
2022 |
PhD AQC-603 : Aquaculture System Management MFSc AQC-509 : Inland Saline Aquaculture MFSc AQC-508 : Integrated Fish farming MFSc AQC-503 : Aquaculture Environment Management |
1+1 1+0 1+1 2+1 |
2021 |
MFSc AQC-511 : Culture based capture fisheries PhD-AQC-607 : Enhanced Fisheries in Open Waters PhD-AQC-603 : Aquaculture System Management |
1+1 1+1 1+1 |
2020 |
MFSc AQC-503 : Aquaculture Environment Management PhD AQC-603 : Aquaculture System Management MFSc AQC-512 : Hydrology and Limnology MFSc AEM-605: Aquatic plant resources and environment MFSc AEM-504: Aquatic microbiology MFSc AEM-609: Dispersal and fate of pollutants |
2+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 |
2019 |
PhD AEM-607 : Management and Utilization of Wastewater PhD AEM-603 : Biotechnology in Aquatic Environment PhD AAH-606 : Biotechnological Tools in Health Management MFSc AEM-505: Analytical Techniques in Environmental Sciences MFSc AEM-508: Aquatic Pollution and Management of Water Resources |
2+1 2+1 1+1 1+1 2+1 |
2018 |
Guidance to PhD Students
Name of Student | Degree Program Discipline / University |
Title/Topic/ | Year of Completion | Role of Dr KK Krishnani |
Dr. V. Parimala |
Ph.D. Environmental Chemistry, CIBA-Chennai Madras University |
Studies on the removal of nitrogenous toxicants, heavy metals and pesticides from coastal water”. Under Ad-hoc Project |
2006 | Major Guide |
Dr Kishore Kumar Krishnani is presently working as a Joint Director (Academic) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology-Ranchi. Previously, he has served as a Head of Divisions (Aquaculture, Aquatic Environment and Health Management at ICAR-CIFE-Mumbai, and Edaphic Stress Management at ICAR-NIASM-Baramati) for about eight years. He has made significant contribution in Research management by leading multidisciplinary research team of scientists. He possesses 31 years of research experience in the field of Environmental Biotechnology, development and demonstration of (bio-)analytical and molecular tools/Multi-omics, bioremediation, nanobiotechnology, and mitigation technologies for climate change induced abiotic and biotic stresses in multi-disciplinary farming system, input-use efficiency, conservation agriculture, One- Health and bioresource utilization for prevention of AMR, and edaphic stress management in low and high saline areas, Phytochemistry, Technologies commercialization & Management/ IPR-Entrepreneurship and Extension and Agricultural Education. He was involved as a PI and Co-PI in 10-externally funded projects and 30-institute projects. His research work on “Synthesis and catalysis of agriculturally and pharmacologically important Hydroxamic acids and their derivatives” have potent applications in plants defense mechanism under stress conditions, and chelation of heavy metals. Biostimulation and bioaugmentation mechanisms have been ascertained using molecular techniques. Uncultured bacterial diversity implicated in salt tolerance and biotransformation of toxic nitrogenous, sulfurous metabolites and greenhouse gases have been examined in aquatic environment, and high saline areas using metagenomics. He has successfully implemented improved technology interventions in major Crops, Livestock, Fisheries, Integrated agri-aquaculture and culture-based reservoir fisheries in tribal areas for livelihood improvement of farmers.
Dr Krishnani has over 200 publications 125 papers in Journals with more than 5300 citations, 34-h and 70-i10-index, released 350-Gene sequences in the GenBank including 30-novel reductive dehalogenase genes, 12-patents, developed, and commercialized/disseminated technologies.
Institute/ Organization | Post held | From | To | Nature of duties |
ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi | Joint Director (Academic) | 22-08- 2023 | Current | Coordinating various UG, PG and Ph.D. Programmes in affiliation with IARI B.Tech.(Biotechnology), MSc (Agri) and PhD in three disciplines (Genetics and Plant Breeding, Molecular biology and biotechnology, Biochemistry) M.Sc. in Agricultural Chemicals M.Tech. in Agric proc & Food Eng. |
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University) Mumbai | Head(A) Aquatic Environment and Health Management Division | 01-01-2023 | 09-07-2023 | Aquatic environment management and Aquatic Animal Health Management Research management (Led a team of 12 scientists interested in Research and Teaching) |
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University) Mumbai | Principal Scientist | 30/06/2018 | 21/08/ 2022 | Environmental Biotechnology for Climate-resilient Aquaculture Research (Nano-biotechnology & Medicinal Chemistry for Mitigation of Priority Stresses; Bioremediation of Contaminants of Emerging Concern using Multi-omics; Aqua-farming Technologies for Environmental & health Management of Aquaculture); Teachings MFSc & PhD Courses (Aquaculture, Aquatic Environment Management Guidance to M.F.Sc. and Ph.D. Students Extension Improved technology Interventions in integrated aquaculture |
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education Mumbai | Head (A), Division of Aquaculture | 01/07/2020 | 18/05/2021 | Aquaculture System management & Climate Change (Led a multi- disciplinary team of 9 scientists, interested in Aqua-farming technologies & improved technology intervention in aquaculture & culture-based fisheries. |
ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, (NIASM) Baramati | Head, School of Edaphic Stress Management (On selection) | 27-01-2012 | 29-06-2018 (I/c-Head from 27/01/2017) | Edaphic stress management for climate resilient Integrated Agri-aquaculture Research management (Led a multidisciplinary research team of scientists, broadly interested in basic & applied studies of conservation agriculture, Bioremediation, Nanostructured materials, Multi-omics for alleviation of abiotic stresses in major crops, livestock, & fisheries; Improved Technology interventions in Integrated Crops-Livestock-Fisheries / Agri- aquaculture for livelihood improvement of Tribal Farmers. |
ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM) Baramati | I/c-Head, School of, Atmospheric Stress Management | 07/07/2017 | 24/01/2018 | Atmospheric stress management Research management (Led a multidisciplinary research team, broadly interested in basic & applied studies of atmospheric stresses in major crops, livestock, and fisheries |
ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research (DWR), Jabalpur | Principal Scientist (On selection) | 06-01-2011 | 25-01-2012 | Aquatic Weed Valorisation and Mitigation; Nanoencapsulation for slow delivery; Weeds utilization; Bacterial diversity associated with herbicidal and weedy soils. |
ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA), Chennai | Principal Scientist | 01-01-2009 | 05-01-2011 | Bioremediation of aquatic pollutants using Multi-omics (Metagenomics for examination of microbial diversity in coastal aquaculture; Development and dissemination of aqua-farming technologies). |
ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture Chennai | Senior Scientist | 12/04/2002 | 31/12/2008 | Environmental management of Brackishwater aquaculture (Development of biostimulators / bioaugmentors /bio- products / microbial products; Aquaculture wastewater treatment using biological methods). |
ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture Chennai | Scientist (SS) | 12-04-1998 | 11-04-2002 | Soil and water quality management & Environmental Impact Assessment; Wastewater treatment using biological methods. |
ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture Chennai | Scientist (S-1) | 30-03-1994 | 11-04-1998 | Plant assisted bioremediation Antimicrobial activity of bioactive compounds from natural plants and bacteria; Development of value-added bio-products from agro-wastes/ plantations/ seaweeds. |
ICAR-Central Tobacco Research Institute (CTRI), Rajhamundry | Scientist (S-1) | 11-09-1993 | 29-03-1994 | Neem Research (Isolation & characterization of botanical pesticides; Pesticides residue analysis. |
ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management Hyderabad | Scientist (S-1) | 12-04-1993 | 10-09-1993 | 44 th FCARPM (Foundation Course on Agricultural Research Project Management) |
Chemistry Dept., Govt. Science College, Durg | Assistant Professor (Honorary) | 1988 | 1991 | Teaching (Temporary) Taught UG & PG (Chemistry) |
Chemistry Department Ravishankar University, Raipur (Chhatisgarh) | CSIR- Senior Research Fellowship | July 1992 | March 1993 | “Protonation behaviour of substituted hydroxamic acids” |
CSIRO, Ecosystem Sciences Canberra, Australia | Post- Doctoral Fellow | 24-09-2012 | 23-03-2013 | “Bioremediation of contaminants of environmental and emerging concern using Recombinant DNA technology” |
Dept of Environmental Engineering University of California, Riverside, USA | ICAR- NAIP- HRD- Fellow | 13-09-2010 | 12-12-2010 | Nano(bio)remediation of chemical and microbial pollutants-Nano(Bio-) sensors |
USA Stevens Institute of Technology, in collaboration with Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Minnesota | Biotechnology Overseas Associate | 15 th Jan 2004 | 14 th Jan 2005 | Advanced research on Biotransformation, biosorption, and speciation of heavy metals, metalloids, and chlorinated pesticides / POPs/ chlorinated water pollutants – Application of Multi-omics. |
SEAFDEC, Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines | TCTP- JICA sponsored (Third Country Training Programme- JICA) fellowship (5th Session) | 14th Sept. 2003 | 13th Nov. 2003 | International training programme on “Responsible Aquaculture Development” (Green Water Technology, Closed re- circulating / Water Reuse System, Intensive & Integrated Shrimp Farming, Mangrove friendly aquaculture, Sea weed farming, Carrageenan extraction in Industry, Broodstock maintenance & induced breeding, Disease management & diagnosis using Molecular Techniques, Mollusc-abalone culture, Mariculture park & socio-economics). |
- Sanford RA, Wagner DD, Wu Q, Chee-Sanford JC, Thomas SH, Cruz-García C, Rodríguez G, Massol-Deyá A, Krishnani KK, Ritalahti KM, Nissen S, Konstantinidis KT, Löffler FE (2012). Unexpected non-denitrifier nitrous oxide reductase gene diversity and abundance in soils. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, 109(48): 19709-19714.
- Krishnani KK, Sira Srinives, Mohapatra BC, Veera M Boddu, Hao J, Meng X and Ashok Mulchandani (2013). Hexavalent chromium removal mechanism using conducting polymers. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 252-253C: 99-106.
- Krishnani KK*, Ayyappan S (2006) Heavy metals remediation of water using plant and lignocellulosic agrowastes. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 188: 59-84.
- Krishnani KK*, Ravichandran P, Ayyappan, S (2008). Microbially derived off-flavor from geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol: sources and remediation. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 194: 1-27.
- Krishnani KK*, Meng X, Christodoulatos C, Veera M Boddu (2008). Biosorption mechanism of nine different heavy metals onto biomatrix from rice husk. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 153: 1222-1234.
- Krishnani KK, Yu Zhang, Laj Xiong, Yushan Yan, Raj Boopathy and Ashok Mulchandani (2012). Bactericidal and ammonia removal activity of silver ion exchanged zeolite. Bioresource Technology, 117C: 86-91.
- Krishnani KK, Chen Wilfred and Mulchandani A (2014). Bactericidal activity of elastin-like polypeptide biopolymer with polyhistidine domain and silver, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 119: 66-70.
- Krishnani KK* (2010). Detection and diversity of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in coastal aquaculture Aquaculture, 302: 57-70.
- Krishnani KK*, Kathiravan V, Natarajan M, Kailasam M, Pillai SM (2010). Diversity of sulfur oxidizing bacteria in greenwater system of coastal aquaculture, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 162: 1225-1237.
- Krishnani KK* (2016). Lignocellulosic wheat straw-derived ion-exchange adsorbent for heavy metals removal. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 178(4): 670-686.
- Krishnani KK*, Shekhar MS, Gopikrishna G, Gupta BP (2009). Molecular biological characterization and biostimulation of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in Brackishwater aquaculture. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 44(14): 1598-1608.
- Krishnani KK*, Meng X, Dupont L (2009). Metal ions binding onto lignocellulosic biosorbent. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, A44(7): 688-699.
- Krishnani KK*, Gupta BP, Joseph KO, Muralidhar M, Nagavel A (2002). Studies on the use of neem products for removal of ammonia from brackishwater. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, 37(5): 893-904.
- Krishnani KK*, Azad, IS, Kailasam M, Thirunavakkarrassu AR, Gupta BP, Joseph KO, Muralidhar M and Abraham M (2003). Acute toxicity of some heavy metals to Lates calcarifer fry with a note on histopathological menifestation. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, A38(4): 645-655.
- Krishnani KK*, Gupta BP, Joseph KO, Muralidhar M, Sarda C, Nagavel A, Parimala V. (2003). Decontamination of nitrogenous toxicants from brackishwater using natural plant and animal extracts. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 71(1): 196-203.
- Krishnani KK*, Boddu VM, Moon DH, Ghadge SV, Sarkar B, Brahmane MP, Choudhary K, Kathiravan V, Meng X (2015). Metals Bioaccumulation Mechanism in Neem Bark. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 95(3): 414-419.
- Krishnani KK*, Kathiravan V (2010). A quantitative method for detecting ammonia- oxidizing bacteria in coastal aquaculture systems. Aquaculture Research, 41(11): 1648-1657.
- Krishanni KK*, Meng X, Veera M. Boddu (2008). Fixation of heavy metals onto lignocellulosic sorbent prepared from paddy straw. Water Environment research, 80(11): 2165-2174.
- Krishnani KK*, Parimala V, Gupta BP, Azad IS, Xiaoguang Meng, Mathew Abraham (2006). Bagasse assisted bioremediation of ammonia from shrimp farm wastewater. Water Environment Research. 78:938–950.
- Krishnani KK, Parimala V. and Meng X (2004). Detoxification of chromium from coastal water using lignocellulosic agricultural waste material. Water SA, 30(4):541-545.
- Krishnani KK*, Gopikrishna G, Pillai SM, Gupta BP (2010). Abundance of sulfur oxidizing bacteria in coastal aquaculture using soxB gene analyses. Aquaculture Research, 41(9):1290-1301.
- Krishnani KK*, Choudhary K, Veera BM, Moon DH, Meng X. (2020). Heavy metals biosorption mechanism of partially delignified products derived from mango (Mangifera indica) and guava (Psidium guiag) barks. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 32891–32904 doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-12874-1.
- Krishnani KK*, Boddu, V.M., Chadha, N.K., Chakraborty, P., Jitendra Kumar, Gopal Krishna, Pathak H (2022). Metallic and non-metallic nanoparticles from the plant, animal, and fisheries wastes: potential and valorization for application in agriculture. Environment Science & Pollution Research 29: 81130–81165.
- Krishnani KK*, Boddu VM, Singh RD, Chakraborty P, Verma AK, Brooks L, Pathak H (2023). Plants, animals, and fisheries waste-mediated bioremediation of contaminants of environmental and emerging concern (CEECs)-a circular bioresource utilization approach. Environment Science & Pollution Research, 30: 84999–85045 doi: 10.1007/s11356-023-28261-x.
- Krishnani KK, John G Oakeshott, Gunjan Pandey (2023). Wide substrate range for a candidate bioremediation enzyme isolated from Nocardioides sp. Strain SG-4 G, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 370: fnad085.
- Chakraborty, P, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author), Mulchandani A, Sarkar DJ, Das BK, Pani Prasad K, Sawant PB, Neeraj Kumar, Sarkar B, Poojary N, Mallik A, and Pal P. (2023). Toxicity assessment of poultry-waste biosynthesized nanosilver in Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) for responsible and sustainable aquaculture development-A multi-biomarker approach, Environmental Research, 235: 116648,
- Das K, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author), Upadhyay AK, Shukla SP, Prasad KP, Chakraborty P, and Sarkar B (2023). Fish waste capped and colloidal nanosilver and its valorization as natural zeolite conjugates for application in aquaculture, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 45(7), 1281–1295.
- Abisha R, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author), Sukhdhane K, Verma AK, Brahmane MP, and Chadha NK (2022). Sustainable development of climate-resilient aquaculture and culture-based fisheries through adaptation of abiotic stresses-A review. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 13(7): 2671–2689.
- Chakraborty P, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author) (2022). Emerging bioanalytical sensors for rapid and close-to-real-time detection of priority abiotic and biotic stressors in aquaculture and culture-based fisheries. Science of the Total Environment 838(2): 156128.
- Kate GU, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author), N Kumar, K Sukhdhane, AK Verma, MP Brahmane, NK Chadha and Jitendra Kumar (2023). Abiotic and biotic stress alleviating effects of the medicinal and aromatic plant-derived product on striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 135: 108625.
- Arunkumar D, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author), Kumar N, Sarkar B, Upadhyay AK, Sawant PB, Chadha NK, and Abisha R (2023). Mitigating abiotic stresses using natural and modified stilbites synergizing with changes in oxidative stress markers in aquaculture. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45(7): 4565–4581.
- Kathiravan V, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author) (2014). Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Achromobacter sp.: nitrifying aerobic denitrifiers have a plasmid encoding for denitrifying functional genes. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 30(4):1187-1198.
- Kathiravan V, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author) (2013). Heterotrophic nitrifying and oxygen tolerant denitrifying bacteria from greenwater system of coastal aquaculture. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 169(6): 1978-1992.
- Chakraborty Puja, Krishnani KK*(Corresponding author), Mulchandani A, Paniprasad K, Sarkar DJ, Sawant P Banerjee, Neeraj Kumar, Biplab Sarkar, Abhijit Mallik, Prasenjit Pal, Nagendrasai K, and Das BK (2024). Speciation-specific chromium bioaccumulation and detoxification in fish using hydrogel microencapsulated biogenic nanosilver and zeolite synergizing with biomarkers. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 46, 298,
- Krishnani KK*, V Kathiravan, NA Shakil, Manish Kumar Singh, MP Brahmane, KK Meena, Biplab Sarkar, K. Choaudhary, Mukesh Kumar Singh and Jitendra Kumar. (2015). Bactericidal activity of nanopolymers against shrimp pathogenic bacteria Vibrio harveyi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. 85(4): 1079–1086.
- Parimala V, Krishnani KK, Gupta BP, Ragunathan R, Pillai SM, Ravichandran P. (2007). Removal of ammonia and nitrite from coastal water using low-cost agricultural waste. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 78(3-4): 288-293.
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Meena KK, Gupta SK and Singh NP (2016). Oxidative and cellular metabolic stress of Oreochromis mossambicus as biomarkers indicators of trace metals element contamination, Chemosphere, 171: 265-274.
- Bhat RAH, Thakuria D, Pant V, Khangembam VC, Tandel RS, Shahi N, Sarma D, Tripathi G, Krishnani KK, Gopal Krishna. (2020). Antibacterial and antioomycete activities of a novel designed RY12WY peptide against fish pathogens. Microbial Pathogenesis, 149: 104591.
- Kumar N, Ambasankar K, Krishnani KK, Gupta SK, Bhushan S, Minhas PS (2016). Acute toxicity, biochemical and histopathological responses of endosulfan in Chanos chanos. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 131:79-88.
- Meena KK, Sorty AM, Bitla UM, Choudhary K, Gupta P, Pareek A, Singh DP, Prabha R, Sahu PK, Gupta VK, Singh HB, Krishnani KK, Minhas PS (2017). Abiotic stress responses and microbe-mediated mitigation in plants: the omics strategies. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Functional Plant Ecology, 8: 172
- Ghosh KK, Rajput SK, Krishnani KK (1993). Kinetic study of the acid catalysed hydrolysis of 4-methoxy benzohydroxamic acid. New Journal of Chemistry, 17:363- 365.
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Gupta SK, Sharma R, Baitha R, Singh DK, Singh NP (2018). Immuno-protective role of biologically synthesized dietary selenium nanoparticles against multiple stressors in Pangasinodon hypophthalmus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 78: 289-298.
- Neeraj Kumar, Krishnani KK, Kumar P, Jha AK, Gupta SK, Singh NP (2017). Dietary zinc promotes immuno-biochemical plasticity and protects fish against multiple stresses. Fish & shellfish immunology, 62: 184-194.
- Kumar N, Ambasankar K, Krishnani KK, Kumar P, Akhtar MS, Bhushan S (2016). Dietary pyridoxine potentiates thermal tolerance, heat shock protein and protect against cellular stress of Milk fish (Chanos chanos) under endosulfan induced stress Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 55: 407-414.
- Sarkar B, Bhattacharjee B, Daware A, Tribedi P, Krishnani KK, Minhas PS (2015), Selenium nanoparticles for stress-resilient fish and livestock. Nanoscale Res Lett, 10(1): 371.
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Gupta SK, Singh NP (2018) Effects of silver nanoparticles on stress biomarkers of Channa striatus: immuno-protective or toxic? Environmental Science Pollution Research 25(15):14813-14826.
- Sarkar B, Daware AV, Gupta P, Krishnani KK, Baruah S, Bhattacharjee S (2017). Nanoscale wide-band semiconductors for photocatalytic remediation of aquatic pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(33): 25775-25797.
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Singh NP (2017). Oxidative and cellular stress as bioindicators for metal contamination in freshwater mollusk Lamellidens marginalis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(19): 16137-16147.
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Gupta SK, Singh NP (2017). Cellular stress and histopathological tools used as biomarkers in Oreochromis mossambicus for assessing metal contamination. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 49: 137-147.
- Neeraj Kumar, Krishnani KK, Singh NP (2018). Comparative study of selenium and selenium nanoparticles with reference to acute toxicity, biochemical attributes, and histopathological response in fish. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Int, 25(9):8914-8927.
- Kumar N, Ambasankar K, Krishnani KK, Bhushan S, Minhas PS (2016). Dietary pyridoxine protects against stress and maintains immunohaematological status in Chanos chanos exposed to endosulfan. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 119(3):297-308.
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Singh NP (2019). Oxidative and Cellular Metabolic Stress of Fish: An Appealing Tool for Biomonitoring of Metal Contamination in the Kolkata Wetland, a Ramsar Site. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 76(3):469-482.
- Neeraj Kumar, Krishnani KK, Singh NP (2018). Effect of dietary zinc nanoparticles on growth performance, anti-oxidative and immunological status of fish reared under multiple stressors. Biological Trace Element Research, 186(1):267-278.
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Kumar P, Singh NP (2017). Zinc nanoparticles potentiates thermal tolerance and cellular stress protection of Pangasius hypophthalmus reared under multiple stressors. Journal of thermal biology 70: 61-68.
- Kumar N, Minhas PS, Ambasankar K, Krishnani KK, Rana RS (2014). Dietary lecithin potentiates thermal tolerance and cellular stress protection of milk fish (Chanos chanos) reared under low dose endosulfan-induced stress. Journal of Thermal Biology, 46: 40-46.
- Kumar N, Krishnani K K, Kumar P, Sharma R, Baitha R, Singh D K, Singh N P (2018). Dietary nano-silver: Does support or discourage thermal tolerance and biochemical status in air breathing fish reared under multiple stressors? Journal of Thermal Biology, 77: 111-121.
- Neeraj Kumar, Krishnani KK, Brahmane MP, Gupta SK, Paritosh Kumar, Singh NP (2018). Temperature induces lead toxicity in Pangasius hypophthalmus: An acute test, antioxidative status and cellular metabolic stress. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 15:57-68.
- Yadav SR, Chavan BR, Chadha NK, Naik SD, Krishnani KK, Sawant PB (2021). Effect of stocking density on growth performance, plankton abundance, body composition and haematological parameters of Etroplus suratensis (Bloch, 1790) in the biofilm-based rearing system. Aquaculture Research, 52 (10), 4752-4766,
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Gupta SK, Singh NP (2017). Selenium nanoparticles enhanced thermal tolerance and maintain cellular stress protection of Pangasius hypophthalmus reared under lead and high temperature. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 246: 107-116.
- Sorty AM, Meena KK, Choudhary K, Bitla UM, Minhas PS, Krishnani KK (2016). Effect of plant growth promoting bacteria associated with halophytic weed (Psoralea corylifolia L) on germination and seedling growth of wheat under saline conditions. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 180(5): 872-882.
- Kumar N, Krishnani KK, Singh NP (2020). Effect of zinc on growth performance and cellular metabolic stress of fish exposed to multiple stresses. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 46(1): 315-329.
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