Swacchhta Action Plan (SAP)
Swachhata Pakhwada
Swachhta Pakhwada was organized on 25.09.2021 at I.C.A.R. – Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Garhkhatanga, Ranchi. The campaign was organized by all the institute personnel at Bhusur Ground in which all the personnel came together to initiate the cleanliness drive. Leading this campaign, Dr. Gupta first made people aware of cleanliness. At the same time, he explained how people should come together and take forward the cleanliness drive so that we can make the country clean & green and at the same time keep. Taking this program forward, he explained how we can benefit the environment by taking care of cleanliness even in our personal lives. Thereafter, disposing of the waste in a systematic manner from all the participants were performed at the venue.
During the cleanliness drive, various types of waste were collected separately and disposed of in which all the personnel participated in a grand way to achieve their different objectives.
In this program, the Director, in particular, conveyed his best wishes to all to participate in this cleanliness drive and to carry out the work done in an orderly manner.

Special Campaign for Swachhata
ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi. 2nd October, 2021 onwards
Date wise Activities | Activities | Brief description of work done |
2nd October | Special swachhata campaign organized | The special swachhata campaign was organized by the institute and all the staff participated in the cleaning drive at Bhusur Ground, Namkum, Ranchi. During the cleanliness drive, various types of wastes were collected separately in dustbins and disposed of at appropriate place. The cleanliness drive was led by the Honorable Director and Joint Directors of the institute to commemorate the 152nd Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi under “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava program”. During the campaign, facemasks, gloves, and sanitizers were distributed among the participants. |
3rd October | Basic maintenance | We have been following general cleaning and hygiene practices in the premises of IIAB. Basic maintenance we have been following general cleaning practices in the premises of IIAB campus A, B & D block of Garhkhatanga campus. Apart from this Palandu residential campus have been maintained in a good hygienic condition with proper beautification. |
4th October | Sanitation and SWM | Considering the importance of hygiene to protect from ongoing pandemics, all the staffs are being checked with thermal scanners at the entrance gate of IIAB. Easy to operate, foot pedal based, safe & hygienic sanitizer dispenser is placed at the entrance of all scientific and administration blocks. |
5th October | Cleaning and beautification of surrounding areas | Cleaning is an important and integral part of our daily life to maintain our health in good shape. We carried out cleaning in and around our office premises and beautification of surrounding are maintained with plantation of flowering plants and dwarf flowering shrubs. |
6th October | Weed out old files, weed out the scrap material | Weed out old files, weed out the scrap material was held among the staffs of ICAR-IIAB. No of Staff members involved in the activities |
7th October | Digitization of office records/ e-office | The office records of ICAR-IIAB have been digitalized. Several old files of administrative section have been weeded out. |
8th October | Cleaning and beautification of surrounding areas | Created awareness on safe disposal of bio-degradable and non-bio-degradable of laboratory waste among the students and staffs of IIAB. |
11th October | Awareness on recycling of waste | An awareness campaign on recycling of waste water & water harvesting for agriculture/ horticulture applications/ kitchen gardens in residential colonies/ nearby villages with the involvement of local communities were carried out. |
12th October | Special Swachhata campaign | ICAR -IIAB organized an outdoor Special National Swachhata Campaign at HEC DHURWA, Ranchi. Through the active participation of staff from the institute, farmers, member of civil society and dignitaries the campaign was successfully organized. During the program a banner was displayed on the topic waste to wealth. A literature pamphlet describing the process of utilization of waste from rice and wheat field was distributed among the farmers and a short video of you tube link on waste to wealth was shared among the beneficiary farmers to make them understand about the utilization of waste into wealth. A short demonstration on the production of vermicompost using vermi-bed was organized and its importance to use as nutrient rich fertilizer (containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other micro nutrients) was discussed. During the campaign farmers were also educated about the advantages of compost application such as improvement in soil water holding capacity, supplement of the nutrient to the soil, encourage soil organism, better nutrient cycling and soil health improvement for sustainable agriculture production. This program was organized under the ongoing AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAVA program. |
13th October | Vermicomposting/ Composting of biodegradable waste management & other activities on generate of wealth for waste | A demonstration on vermi-composting was given to the local people and its uses in waste management and generation of waste to wealth was shared among them. |
16th October | Used water for agriculture/ horticulture application | Promotion of green technology and organic farming practices was organized in a village community of Gharkhatanga, Namkum block, Ranchi. |
18th October | Swachhata Awareness at local level | Cleanliness drive was undertaken all around the office premises. Cleaning operation was done outside the office campus in the residential areas. |
20th October | Shun the use of single use plastic | A campaign was organized in nearby biodiversity park of Lal Khatanga to aware the local people about the menace of ecosystem due to single use plastics. |
21st October | Swachhata Pledge | Swachhata pledge was taken at IIAB and the activities to be organized during the Pakhwada was briefed among the staffs. Swachhata awareness banner was displayed at the main gate of the institute. |
22nd October | Display and Banner | At prominent places of the institute, various banners were displayed at institute campus to generate mass awareness. |
23rd October | Involvement of print and electronic media | Electronic media representative from live TV channels such as Kashis news, & Zee TV Jharkhand took the coverage of program. Apart from this local print media representative published the event Hindi local newspaper. |
25th October | Importance of hygiene and sanitation of the surrounding environment | A deliberation on “Importance of hygiene and sanitation of the surrounding environment” was held among the staffs of ICAR-IIAB. |
26th October | No. of VIP/VVIPs involved in the activities | Gram Panchayat representative of village Jam Toli Bero Block Ranchi participated in special swacchta campaign on 26th October during this program village mukhiya Sunil Kachapp and gram Pradhan Panchas Josheph Minz were present to grace the occasion and motivate the local youth about the importance of day-to-day cleaning in our life. Padma shri Simon Uraon graced the special swacchata program & motivated the participants to work hard to conserve the water for agricultural use during the lean period., |
27th October | Plantation of trees | To maintain the green campus, we have planted various shrubs and trees in our campus A & B. |
28th October | Cleaning at Bhusur ground | Cleaning operation was carried out at Bhusur ground, Gharhkhatanga, Ranchi, a local school playground near our campus. The collected waste was disposed of judiciously. |
29th October | Special Swachhata campaign under “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav” | Special Swachhata campaign was organized at Maheshpur, Angara block of Ranchi district in which about 100 farmers were sensitized about the importance of swachhata mission. During this occasion, face mask & sanitizer were distributed to enhance the agriculture productivity a training was imparted on its usage & agri-tool were distributed |
30th October | Special Swachhata campaign on ‘Waste to wealth” | Scientist of ICAR IIAB imparted training on Waste to wealth management to the research scholar, staff and students of the institute, during deliberation he introduced participants about different strategies, tools and techniques of waste disposal and their effective management to keep our ecosystem clean & green. |

Special National Swachhata Campaign
Name of the Institute / Establishment: ICAR-Indian Institute of Agriculture of Biotechnology, Garhkhatanga-Ranchi
Date of activity | Name of Nodal Officer | No. of staff members participated |
No. of Dignitaries | Farmers | Members of civil society |
School children | Total |
12-10-2021 | Dr. Sanjay Kumar Gupta | 22 | 5 | 180 | 3 | – | 210 |
ICAR -IIAB organized an outdoor Special National Swachhata Campaign at HEC DHURWA ground, Ranchi. In this program staff from the institute, farmers, member of civil society and dignitaries participated in the campaign to make it grand success through their active participants. During the program a banner was displayed on the topic waste to wealth. A literature pamphlet describing the process of utilization of waste from rice and wheat field was distributed among the farmers and a short video of you tube link on waste to wealth was shared among the beneficiary farmers to make them understand about the utilization of waste into wealth. A short demonstration on the production of vermicompost using cattle dung and vermibed was organized and its importance to use as nutrient rich fertilizer (containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other micro nutrients) was discussed. During the campaign farmers were also educated about the advantages of compost application such as improvement in soil water holding capacity, supplement to the nutrient to the soil, encourage soil organism for better nutrient cycling and overall soil health improvement for sustainable agriculture production.

भा.कृ.अनु.प.- भारतीय कृषि जैव प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, रांची ने 16/12/2021 से 31/12/2021 तक स्वच्छता पखवाडा का आयोजन किया
भा.कृ.अनु.प. के निर्देशानुसार विशेष अभियान “स्वच्छता भारत अभियान” के एक भाग के रूप में स्वच्छता भारत अभियान के नोडल अधिकारी एवं वैज्ञानिक डॉ संजय कुमार गुप्ता ने इस अभियान की सराहना की और स्वस्थ मन और शरीर के लिए हर स्तर पर स्वच्छता की आवश्यकता पर बल दिया जिससे अच्छा स्वास्थ्य, उच्च कार्य दक्षता और समस्त राष्ट्रीय विकास हो सके । उन्होंने आंतरिक के साथ-साथ हर किसी की बाहरी सफाई और इसकी योग्यता दोनों पर भी जोर दिया। उन्होंने आग्रह किया कि यह अभियान सिर्फ प्रतीकात्मक नहीं रहना चाहिए, बल्कि हर व्यक्ति के दिन-प्रतिदिन के जीवन में एकीकृत होना चाहिए । दोपहर के समय संस्थान के परिसर के बाहर सफाई अभियान चलाया गया, मुख्य द्वार से शुरू होकर परिसर के अंदर जैसे स्वच्छता शपथ अभियान गढ़ख्तंगा रांची स्थित मुख्य परिसर में भा.कृ.अनु.प.-भारतीय कृषि जैव प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान के सभी कर्मचारियों द्वारा किया गया, और मध्य विद्यालय गढ़ख्तंगा, नामकुम में स्वच्छता अभियान का आयोजन किया गया एवं जैव विविधता पार्क के पास स्वच्छता पर अभियान चलाया गया। गढ़ख्तंगा, रांची नामकुम प्रखंड के खरसीदाग गांव में किसान-वैज्ञानिक मिलकर बैठक कर स्वच्छता अभियान का आयोजन किया गया ओर इत्यादि। संस्थान के सभी प्रभागों/अनुभागों और कर्मचारियों के सभी प्रमुखों और संस्थान के सदस्यों को सक्रिय रूप से हर स्थान की सफाई में शामिल थे जैसा कि नीचे तस्वीर मे उल्लेख किया गया है । संस्थान के निदेशक डॉ. अरुनव पट्टनायक ने इस कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने के लिए विशेष रूप से धन्यवाद् सभी को दिया।