Personal Information

Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Scientist (Genetics and Plant Breeding), School of Genomics and Molecular Breeding, ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi started his career as Scientist by opting Agricultural Research Services (ARS) in Year 2009 at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Imphal. He has completed his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from G.B.P.U.A &T, Pantnagar in 2008 and 2016 respectively.
Molecular Breeding in Crops
Research interest:
- Molecular Breeding for underutilized pulse crop
Book chapters: 09…. Research Papers (37), Reports: 4…General articles: 0.
Patents.NIL......Others (Technical bulletin/booklet/leaflet/):.....15
Selected peer-reviewed publications (ten best publication ):
- Bangale U, Balija V, Kumar PS, Devi S J S, Bhadana, VP, Senguttuvel P, Kumar S, Sharma SK, Sharma PK, Prasad MS, Madhav, MS (2017) diverse rice landraces of north-east India enables the identification of novel genetic resources for Magnaporthe resistance. Frontier in plant science 8: 01-13
- Devi EL, Devi Ch P, Kumar S, Sharma SK, Beemrotea A, Chongtham SK, Singh Ch P, Tania Ch, Singh TB, Ningombama A, Akoijama R, Singh IM, Singh YR, Monteshori S, Omitta Y, Prakash N, Ngachan SV (2017) Marker assisted selection (MAS) towards generating stress tolerant crop plants. Plant Gene 11: 205–218
- Kumar S, Pandey ID, Rather SA and Rewasia H. 2019. Genetic variability and inter traits association for cooking and micro-nutrient trait in advance lines of Kalanamak. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 29(2): 467-
- MahadevaSwamy HK, Anila M, Kale RR, Bhadana VP, Anantha MS, Brajendra P, Harija SK, Balachiranjeevi CH, LaxmiPrasanna B, Pranathi K, Dilip T, Bhaskar S, Kumar VA, Kousik MBVN, Harika G, Swapnil K, Rekha G, Cheralu C, Gouri Shankar V, Reddy NS, Kumar S, Balachandran MS, Madhav MS, Kumar RM and Sundaram RM. 2019. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of rice germplasm lines and identification of novel source for low soil phosphorus tolerance in rice. Euphytica 215 (07): 01-18.
- Singh BK, Choudhary SB, Yadav S, Malhotra EV, Rani R, Ambawat S, Priyamedha, Pandey A, Kumar R, Kumar S, Sharma HK, Singh DK and Rai PK. 2018. Genetic structure identification and assessment of interrelationships between Brassica and allied genera using newly developed genic-SSRs of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Industrial Crops and Products 113: 111-120.
- Singh, J., Fiyaz, R.A., Kumar, S., Ansari, M.A. and Gupta, S. (2013). Genetic variability, Correlation and path analysis for yield and its attributing traits in pigeonpea (Cajanuscajan) grown under rainfedcondtions of Manipur. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 83(8): 852-858
- Ansari MA, Pandey A, Kumar S, Kumar A, Sangeeta M, Meitei Ch B, Sharma SK, Roy SS, Das A, Mishra D, Singh IM, and Prakash N. 2019. Evaluation of genetic variation in Perilla for agro-morphological and quality traits. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89(6): 940-945.
- Bhadana, V.P., Ansari, M.A., Punitha, P., Prakash, N., Singh, I.M., Sharma, P.K., Kumar, S., Dutta, S., Lal, B. and Ngachan, S.V. (2015). Participatory research for assessing the suitability of potential innovations: A case study on high-yielding varieties options for rice farmers in North East India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85(7):902-907
- Kumar, S. and Deo, I. (2016).Studies on genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in advance lines of Kalanamak aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.)Ecology, Environment and Conservation 22(22):891-895.
- Kumar, S., Singh, D.P. and Singh, N.K. (2015) Genetic diversity through metroglyph analysis & estimation of protein, iron and zinc in F5 progenies of a wide cross of mungbean x blackgram. Green Farming, 6(3): 487-491.