Personal Information

Dr. Soumen Naskar graduated in veterinary science and animal husbandry (BVSc&AH) in 2001 from West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata. He obtained masters degree (MVSc) from ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University), Karnal in 2003 with Animal Genetics & Breeding (AGB) as major. He specialized in Population Genetics through dissertation work. He earned PhD in AGB from ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute (Deemed University), Izatnagar in 2006. Here, he specialized in immunogenetics for thesis work. He did post-graduate diploma (PGD) in bioinformatics in 2014 from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Population genetics, Immunogenetics
Some of the areas where I have worked earlier and made primary contributions include molecular characterization of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), path analysis of economic traits of Sahiwal cattle, molecular characterization of indigenous pigs of India, candidate genetic markers for fertility, assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) in pig, and influence of seasonal variation on livestock production.
Presently, my research group is working on MHC genes of pigs and proteome profiling of bovine sperms.
Since 2007, I have executed a number of research projects as PI/CCPI, funded by different sources. The list of completed projects is given below:
- Candidate marker approach for selected economic traits in indigenous pig (Institute; Oct, 2007 – Mar, 2011; PI)
- PSE pork – Exploration through molecular means in indigenous pig (Institute; Dec, 2009 – Nov, 2010; PI)
- Regulation of fatty acid synthesis by RNA interference in pig (ICAR-NASF; Rs. 244.71 lakhs; Jan, 2011 – Mar, 2016; CCPI)
- Deciphering effect of environmental stressors on pig growth and reproduction through bio-molecular means and development of seasonally required support system for piggery sector (DBT, Govt. of India; Rs. 52.46 lakhs; Apr, 2012 – Sep, 2015; PI)
- Molecular characterization of indigenous pigs in India and development of breed signature (ICAR Extramural; Rs. 23 lakhs; Apr, 2016 – Jun, 2017; originally PI, and Co-PI on joining at present institute)
- Characterization of molecular marker(s) associated with X- and/or Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa in cattle (SERB, DST; Rs. 19.2 lakhs; Apr, 2017 – Apr, 2019; Mentor) I am open to collaborate with other organizations for research and development on subjects of mutual interest, mentoring research fellows, and guiding students for their research projects
- Gupta SK, Sarkar B, Priyam M, Kumar N, Naskar S, Foysal J, Saurabh S, Sharma TR. 2020. Inflammatory and stress biomarker response of Aeromonas hydrophila infected rohu, Labeo rohita fingerlings to dietary microbial levan. Aquaculture.
- Gupta S, Sarkar B, Bhattacharjee S, Kumar N, Naskar S, Uppuluri KB. 2018. Modulation of cytokine expression by dietary levan in the pathogen aggravated rohu, Labeo rohita fingerlings. Aquaculture, 495:496-505.
- Gokuldas PP, Singh SK, Tamuli MK, Naskar S, Vashi Y, Thomas R, Barman K, Pegu SR, Sharma CG, Agarwal SK. 2018. Dietary supplementation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid alters endometrial expression of genes involved in prostaglandin biosynthetic pathway in breeding sows (Sus scrofa). Theriogenology, 110:201-208.
- Vashi Y, Naskar S, Chutia T, Banik S, Singha AK, Goswami J, Sejian V. 2017. Comparative assessment of native, crossbred and exotic pigs during different seasons (winter, spring and summer) based on rhythmic changes in the levels of serum cortisol, lactate dehydrogenase levels and PBMC HSP70 mRNA expression pattern. Biological Rhythm Research, 49:725-734.
- Gupta S, Santra L, Naskar S, Maurya SK, Rana M, Ghosh J, Dhara SK. 2017. Heterologous expression of porcine elongase 6 (ELOVL6) gene in a human cell line. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 145:563-568.
- Chakraborty A, Baruah A, Sarmah BC, Goswami J, Bora A, Dutta DJ, Biswas RK, Kalita D, Naskar S, Vashi Y, Phangchopi D. 2017. Physiological responses in pigs on antioxidant supplementation during summer and winter. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 52(11):1557-1559.
- Kaushik P, Banik S, Naskar S, Barman K, Das AK, Sarma DK. 2017. Effect of different genetic and non-genetic factors on pre weaning litter and growth performance of pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 51(1):179-181.
- Santra L, Gupta S, Kannan S, Singh AK, Ravi Kumar GVPPS, Naskar S, Ghosh J, Dhara SK. 2017. Long bones, a slaughterhouse by-product, may serve as an excellent source for mesenchymal stem cells. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 87(1):53–58.
- Kaushik P, Naskar S, Handique PJ, Rahaman H, Sarma DK. 2017. Genetic polymorphism of growth hormone releasing hormone gene in exotic and crossbred pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 51(2): 231-234.
- Singh AK, Naskar S, Saikia B, Vashi Y, Gupta S, Banik S, Tamuli MK, Pande V, Sarma DK, Dhara SK. 2017. Effect of testicular tissue lysate on developmental competence of porcine oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro. Reproduction in Domestic Animal, 52(2):183-188.
- Sahoo NR, Naskar S, Banik S, Pankaj PK. 2016. Microsatellite based diversity analysis of native pigs of north-eastern India. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 50(6):831-838.
- Naskar S, Borah S, Vashi Y, Thomas R, Sarma DK, Goswami J, Dhara SK. 2016. Steroid and metabolic hormonal profile of porcine serum vis-à-vis ovarian follicular fluid. Veterinary World, 9(11):1320-1323.
- Sahoo NR, Nesa N, Naskar S, Banik S, Pankaj PK, Sahoo M. 2016. Microsatellite and mitochondrial diversity analysis of native pigs of Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot. Animal Biotechnology, 27(1): 52–59.
- Thomas R, Naskar S, Mohan NH, Sarma DK. 2016. Refinement of formulation and processing steps for pork momo, a traditional meat product of North Eastern India, in the wake of Neuro-cysticercosis. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 15(1): 128-134.
- Sahoo NR, Nesa N, Naskar S, Banik S, Pankaj PK. 2015. Genetic diversity analysis of Ghoongroo pig based on microsatellite markers. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 85(11):1215-1219.
- Saikia J, Roy TC, Naskar S, Das B, Ferdoci AM. 2015. Molecular characterization of Cytochrome b gene in indigenous pig. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 49(2): 196-198.
- Magotra A, Naskar S, Das B, Ahmad T. 2015. A comparative study of SINE insertion together with a mutation in the first intron of follicle stimulating hormone beta gene in indigenous pigs of India. Molecular Biology Reports, 42(2):465-470.
- Naskar S, Borah S, Vashi Y, Thomas R, Dhara SK, Banik S. 2015. Evaluation of pig rearing farmers of north east India as prospective breeder: A retrospective analysis. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 49(1):123-126.
- Naskar S, Deb SM, Niranjan SK, Sakaram D, Sharma D, Kumar S, Sharma A. 2014. Molecular characterization of MHC-DRB gene exon 2 in riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 13:532-535.
- Naskar S, Mandal GP, Borah S, Vashi Y, Thomas R, Dhara SK. 2014. Evaluation of fatty acid profile in subcutaneous adipose tissue of indigenous and crossbred pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(1): 88–90.
- Borah S, Sarmah BC, Chakravarty P, Naskar S, Dutta DJ, Kalita D. 2014. Effect of zinc supplementation on growth, reproductive performance, immune and endocrine response in grower pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(2): 186–190.
- Naskar S, Deb SM, Kumar S, Niranjan SK, Sharma D, Sakaram D, Sharma A. 2014. Molecular characterization of T cell receptor-zeta subunit (CD247) gene in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Journal of Applied Animal Research, 42(1):38-43.
- Borah S, Sarmah BC, Chakravarty P, Naskar S, Dutta DJ, Kalita D. 2014. Effect of zinc supplementation on certain serum biochemicals in grower pig. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 42(2):244-248.
- Pourouchottamane R, Pankaj PK, Banik S, Naskar S, Venkatsubramanian V, Ramana DBV. 2013. Effect of micro-environmental variations on biomolecular profile and performance of pig. Journal of Agrometeorology, 15 (Special Issue - I): 1-6.
- Banik S, Naskar S, Pankaj PK, Sahoo NR, Tamuli MK, Das A. 2012. Effect of different body measurement on body weight in Ghungroo pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82:1094–1097.
- Naskar S, Deb SM, Niranjan SK, Kumar S, Sharma D, Sakaram D, Sharma A. 2012. Molecular characterization of MHC-DRB cDNA in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Genetics and Molecular Biology, 35(1):95-98.
- Niranjan SK, Deb SM, Kumar S, Mitra A, Naskar S, Sharma A. 2011. Genetic characterization of buffalo MHC (Bubu)-DQB cDNA molecule. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 39(2):136-138.
- Niranjan SK, Deb SM, Kumar S, Mitra A, Sharma A, Sakaram D, Naskar S, Sharma D, Sharma SR. 2010. Allelic diversity at MHC class II DQ loci in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Evidence for duplication. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 138(3):206-212.
- Sakaram D, Niranjan SK, Kumar S, Naskar S, Deb SM, Mitra A, Sharma A, Sharma D. 2010. cDNA characterization and molecular analysis of buffalo MHC class II gene, DRA (Bubu-DRA). Journal of Applied Animal Research, 37(1):73-76.
- Sharma D, Niranjan SK, Kumar S, Deb SM, Naskar S, Sharma A, Mitra A. 2010. Molecular characterization of bubaline Integrin 2 (ITGB2) cDNA. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 37(2):217-220.
- Sharma D, Kumar S, Deb SM, Mitra A, Niranjan SK, Naskar S, Sharma A. 2009. Identification of novel allelic variants of Integrin beta 2 (ITGB2) gene and screening for bubaline leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndrome in Indian water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Animal Biotechnology, 20:156-160.
- John B, Kumar S, Deb SM, Mitra A, Niranjan SK, Naskar S, Sharma A. 2007. Characterization of integrin beta-1 (ITGB1) gene in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 77(3):255-256.
- Naskar S, Banik S, Tomar SS. 2006. Contribution of different characters to lactation milk yield of Sahiwal Cattle – a path analysis approach. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 76(8):618-620.
- Banik S and Naskar S. 2006. Effect of different non-genetic factors on replacement rate and its components in Sahiwal cattle. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 76(4):343-345.
- John B, Kumar S, Deb SM, Mitra A, Niranjan SK, Naskar S, Sharma A. 2006. Genetic variability of integrin beta-1 (ITGB1) gene of buffaloes. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 30:149-152.
- Naskar S, Banik S, Tomar SS. 2005. Path analysis for total determination of selective value in Sahiwal cattle. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 39(2):107-110.
- Naskar S, Banik S, Tomar SS. 2005. Total determination of calving interval by path analysis in Sahiwal cattle. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 39(1):45-48.
- Banik S, Naskar S, Gandhi RS. 2017. Swine genetic resources of India. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
- Banik S, Naskar S, Sarma DK, Tamuli MK. 2014. Breeding and management strategies for piggery enterprises for increased productivity and profitability. ICAR-NRC on Pig, Guwahati.
- Naskar S, Vashi Y, Banik S. 2017. Advances in molecular pig breeding. In: Pig production and pork processing - Indian perspective. Thomas R, Sharma DK (eds), Jaya Publishing House, Delhi, p.35-42.
- Naskar S, Vashi Y, Banik S, Singh AK. 2017. Genetics of pig reproduction. In: Pig production and pork processing - Indian perspective. Thomas R, Sharma DK (eds), Jaya Publishing House, Delhi, p.111-118.
- Naskar S, Gowane GR, Chopra A. 2015. Strategies to improve livestock genetic resources to counter climate change impact. In: Climate change impact on livestock: Adaptation and mitigation. Sejian V, Gaughan J, Baumgard L, Prasad CS (eds), Springer, p.441-475.
- Banik S, Pankaj PK, Naskar S. 2015. Climate change: Impacts on livestock diversity in tropical countries. In: Livestock production and climate change. Malik PK, Bhatta R, Takahashi J, Kohn R, Prasad CS (eds), CAB International, p.162-182.
- Naskar S, Gowane GR, Chopra A, Paswan C, Prince LLL. 2012. Genetic adaptability of livestock to environmental stresses. In: Environmental stress and amelioration in livestock production. Sejian V, Naqvi SMK, Ezeji T, Lakritz J, Lal R (eds), Springer-Verlag, p.317-378.